Monday, 14 October 2013

Geometrics textile project-4days

began looking at artists and designers that use geometric patterns and shapes. Using their work as inspiration I came up with my own geometric compositions, looking at different colours and shapes.

Once I had decided on a composition I then made a stencil to screen print the pattern I wanted onto Calico. I screen printed my geometric composition onto the fabric a few times, alternating the angle each time. 

After leaving the print to dry I began to style the material into different garments. 

Once I had tried the look of a few garments I decided the one that looked best with my material was a skirt. To give the skirt some shape I chose to pleat it from the wasit band, I did this by measuring how much of a fold I wanted before sewing the pleat in. After sewing it together I then ironed the pleats in to geive it more definitition. 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Photography induction

Once i had taken some varied photographs i then began to edit them on photoshop. 
Using the tools i had been shown i used photoshop to hide any blemishes and to change the colours of the image.  

I took this photograph as under a bridge as i there was a bright backlight. 
On photoshop i edited the exposure and saturation so that it drew more attention to the bridge. 
I chose to do a backlight shot as it makes the figure seem more prominent and really drew the eye to the main focus. 

 On this photo i wanted the figure to seem superior to anything else so i placed her above ground and the camera angle from down below, this makes her seem as though she has an importance.
 I edited it so the light was mainly shone above her as though she had authority. 

Constructive 3D Drawing

For my first project i went to the local embankment and made some basic sketches and still life drawings. 
I also took some photographs of areas of the park i was most interested in. 
i then combined them areas and started to build up ideas for my final 3D constructive drawing. 

I researched artists that related to my work and came across the work of Christene Krainock, in her drawings of scenic trees she uses layers of materials to make the trees 3D. Using different textures and colours gives the trees a perspective and depth.  

For my constructive drawing i was limited to using just cardboard and black and white tones. 
I began manipulating the cardboard to create different textures and experimenting with how to make my drawing 3D. 
I used the influence of Christene Krainock and Antonio Tapies's work to help me when thinking about making my piece textural and constructive.  
I layered what was meant to be the leaves of the trees by folding thin sheets of cardboard to give the drawing depth. 

I used various pieces of cardboard to create the bark of my tree, being restricted to just using black and white tones didn't seem as challenging as i first thought as it let me highlight the areas that were light and create darker areas for shadows. 
Also having the tree attached to the background by a tube gave a nice shadow to the drawing and made it more prominent.  

What inspires me

Firstly i created a collage of what i am interested in and what inspires my work.