Friday, 6 September 2013

Constructive 3D Drawing

For my first project i went to the local embankment and made some basic sketches and still life drawings. 
I also took some photographs of areas of the park i was most interested in. 
i then combined them areas and started to build up ideas for my final 3D constructive drawing. 

I researched artists that related to my work and came across the work of Christene Krainock, in her drawings of scenic trees she uses layers of materials to make the trees 3D. Using different textures and colours gives the trees a perspective and depth.  

For my constructive drawing i was limited to using just cardboard and black and white tones. 
I began manipulating the cardboard to create different textures and experimenting with how to make my drawing 3D. 
I used the influence of Christene Krainock and Antonio Tapies's work to help me when thinking about making my piece textural and constructive.  
I layered what was meant to be the leaves of the trees by folding thin sheets of cardboard to give the drawing depth. 

I used various pieces of cardboard to create the bark of my tree, being restricted to just using black and white tones didn't seem as challenging as i first thought as it let me highlight the areas that were light and create darker areas for shadows. 
Also having the tree attached to the background by a tube gave a nice shadow to the drawing and made it more prominent.  

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